Sunday, June 26, 2011


Wavelengths: New Poetry in the Channel Islands

chosen by Alastair Best and Linda Rose Parkes

published in 2011 by Holland House Editions

featuring 31 poets:

Robert James Anderson
Alastair Best
Livia Bluecher
Sharon Champion
Simon Crowcroft
Richard Fleming
Carol Gaudion
Martin Greene
Juliette Hart
Barbara Joyner
Alan Jones
Christine Journeaux
Judy Mantle
Penelope McGuire
Nicky Mesch
Jacqueline Mezec
Diane Moore
Sandra Noel
Hazel Nolan
Chuma Nwokolo
Linda Rose Parkes
Richard Pedley
Adam Perchard
Martin Porter
Alex Rice
Colin Scott
Shaun Shackleton
Pippa Simpson
Nathan Thompson
Samuel Thompson
Tomas Weber
